“His (Jesus’) mother said to the servants, ‘Whatever

“His (Jesus’) mother said to the servants, ‘Whatever He says to you, do it.'” John 2:5

Jesus and some of His brand-new disciples were invited to a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. Unfortunately, the wine supply was depleted before the party had ended. In those days, the festivities lasted for 7 days and it’s no wonder that wine could sometimes run out – much to the great embarrassment of the host and hostess (typically the bridegroom’s parents).

Mary mentioned this fact to Jesus, perhaps soliciting His help knowing His deity. Jesus politely addressed His mom saying, ‘…what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.'” The “hour” Jesus referred to was His public disclosure as the Messiah, the Son of God. At this early point in His ministry, He had performed no miracles.

The fact that Mary approached Him with the problem indicated her desire for Him to intervene in some way – perhaps miraculously – to solve the wine issue. After His frank response, Mary walked away not knowing if He would honor her request. Yet her instructions to the servants “Whatever He says to you, do it,” showed great faith in Him. She yielded her will to His and didn’t demand He fix it. She anticipated that He might respond to her request and she paved the way with the servants just in case – that also showed great faith. She gave Him freedom to answer her plea in the way He deemed best – “whatever He says…”

So the question I ask today is: Once I lay my problems at His feet, am I willing, like Mary, to let Him answer in ways He deems best?

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